Friday, 23 March 2012


UDHAMPUR: Northern Command organised a seminar at Udhampur on 22 Mar 2012 in an  effort to open up the ASC contracts to new entrants and to establish better understanding with existing contractors at its headquarters in Udhampur. Contractors interacted freely to project their grievances and made recommendations to improve the existing procedures. 

Chief of Staff, HQ Northern Command, Lt Gen Balbir Pama, SM  highlighted increased awareness and corresponding expectation level of the troops towards the quality of products.  He called upon the contractors to maintain good quality of services/products and quote genuine rates while bidding for contracts.  He enumerated the steps initiated to bring more transparency in the conclusion and operation of contracts.

All facets of the supply chain management to include the procedures,
rules and regulations, framework and modalities relating to conclusion of contracts, re-verification and quality of rations were covered by the functionaries of HQ Northern Command. General Pama said that this is the third seminar with a quest to  provide open forum for interaction between the ASC contractors and HQ Northern Command functionaries, in order to make the entire contract procedure more transparent and responsive.  He also mentioned that a monthly interaction is being held in ST Branch on first Monday of every month, where new vendors can seek assistance in expediting the registration process.

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