Tuesday, 24 January 2012


SRINAGAR: The situation in Valley remained bad due to constant snowfall, disturbing the normal routine of the Awam and posing difficulties.  The Army continued to provide humanitarian assistance to the Awam inspite of all odds braving the inclement weather.  

Seeing the circumstances and prevailing conditions, a requirement emerged to help the needy villagers especially to meet basic facilities like medical assistance, provision of water and emergency electricity power at Hospitals/PHC.  General Officer Commanding Victor Force ensured, the Army acted swiftly and reached out to the locals to provide all possible assistance.  

In this period of heavy snow, the Army conducted plethora of activities to assist the Awam by way of providing medical assistance, supply of electricity by generators especially for charging of mobile phones and functioning of PHCs, clearance of roads and tracks wherever required, distribution of emergency rations to the needy, distribution of water, provision of warm clothing, cooked food and recovery of large number of stranded vehicles due to the snow.  

This was possible by sending out Army troops in the form of 610 patrols including Medical Officers reaching a large number of villages in the entire Victor Force Area of Responsibility.  The Awam welcomed the soldiers and highly appreciated the actions of the Army, which provided them with basic necessities at this critical period.  General Officer Commanding Victor Force reiterated that the Jawan will always stand by the Awam in the time of need.

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